Thursday, November 10, 2011

Grayson Greatness & Camdyn Cuteness

Just a couple Grayson Funnies...

Grayson just finished up his first season of soccer, which he really wasn't all about. He was the youngest on his team, and after about the second game, Brad and I were seriously questioning our parental judgement in starting him so early. Brad was also the coach, which mostly entailed keeping the children on the field and making sure they were kicking the ball towards the right goal :) Despite the fact that it took some coaxing to keep Grayson on the field during play time, he had a great time rough housing with the other kids and pulling their jerseys whether they wanted him to or not. The one time he really took off with the ball, he kicked it past the goal and was headed into the soccer game playing in the adjacent field. He did get pretty excited about snack time each week though. Here are a few photos that I think capture the season.

During the final game, one of his teammates tripped over the ball and fell down on his hands and knees. Grayson thought it would be a good idea to go ride the kid. Brad had to pull him off his teammate which he was sitting on like a horse before the game could continue.

Speaking of horses...

Tonight we asked Grayson what we should get Camdyn for Christmas and after much thought he said, "a horse." After we explained that we would have no where to keep a horse, he settled for a play horse for his little sister.

The third and my personal favorite:

Our wonderful friends the Williams kept Grayson and Camdyn the other day for me while I went to an event for the non-profit I write for. Grayson was playing with some toy skate boards and little people. They were lining them all up and counting them when Grayson asked, "Why are the boarders all white?" When they asked him what he meant, he pointed to their skin. I think he gave Jonathan and Carrie quite a laugh. (Good to know our child is aware of racial diversity :)

Now, for some Camdyn Cuteness. I call this photo, "The Epitome of Girlyness." Our neighbor made Camdyn this outfit and she hadn't had a chance to wear it yet, and since it's about to get and stay cold, I put her in it for church on Sunday. Brad thought it was completely over the top ridiculous, but I know from experience with Grayson that I only have a short window of time before she gets an opinion of of her own on what she should wear...and for things to fit.

Friday, November 4, 2011

This one is for the grandparents....

And Aunts and Uncles of course! Since our Camdyn is growing up so fast, just thought I'd share a little video of her (Please forgive my baby talk voice)