Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's Official - 32 Weeks

As of today, I am officially the most pregnant I've ever been! After delivering Grayson at 31 1/3 weeks, 32 weeks is actually a pretty big milestone for us.Brad keeps saying that he feels like we're just living on borrowed time now.

Despite sporadic moments of paranoia where I convince myself I'm in labor and random anxiety attacks where I wake up insistent that we take a birthing class despite the fact that I've already given birth but feel like I learned nothing, I really am loving being pregnant, just as much as I did the first time around. Yes, I have my back pain, heart burn and restless nights, but its not enough to take away from the thankfulness I feel every day I am still pregnant.

I get asked the question alot why I delivered early with Grayson, and medically speaking, no one knows for sure. While spotting through my first 14 weeks with Grayson, and thinking for sure I was miscarrying at 11 weeks after waking up gushing blood (sorry if this is TMI, but welcome to pregnancy!), a sonogram showed a clot on my placenta. At that time, my doctor said that most women who have clots on their placenta (which is apparently more common than you think) go on to have completely normal pregnancies, which is what we all assumed was the case when I stopped spotting. He said a very small percentage end up having late miscarriages (we will forever be thankful that God spared us from that) and a small percentage deliver early. Of course, this conversation came quickly rushing back when my water spontaneously broke at 31 weeks, and 3 1/2 hours later our precious angel entered the world (although despite his early arrival, his NICU stay was the longest six weeks of our lives).

Because of Gray's early arrival, we have done certain things a little early this time around. For starters, the nursery for the most part is already complete. And, believe it or not, I've actually already packed a bag for the hospital (surprisingly by my husband's request). Because of how quickly Grayson came and because I have occasional visions of delivering on the side of the highway tying to make it to the hospital, I'm actually researching private ambulance companies that I could call if worse came to worse and I couldn't make it in time :) (Don't laugh, if you were in my shoes, you might be doing the same thing)

Despite the anxiety of it all, we are so excited to meet our little girl (even though we don't really want to meet her for at least another 5 weeks) and I have a feeling it's going to be totally different than having a little boy! As we've already discovered just through marriage, boys and girls are each wonderfully unique in their own ways and each have their own set of issues! :)


Whitney said...

Awww. I'm so excited for your family! You're right, having a girl is a completely different experience. :) I imagine that Grayson is going to be a great big brother. :)
Yay for 32 weeks!!!

The Haley Smith said...

You can send me all your tips Whitney! :) Miss you guys!

Whitney said...

haha... I think the biggest difference is how you're thinking changes! I mean, I was all about "no double standard", but it's difficult to fight that at times; you just think differently about girls than boys.
The mother-daughter relationship is also something very powerful that I never anticipated. That is something that has to be nurtured & protected from the START. I know that there will be rough spots during the teen years, but my prayer is that we will never lose the sweetness that we have now.
And, we miss you guys too. :(