Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Family Funnies

Grayson: "I'm dead of thirsty."
Mommy: "You mean, you're dying of thirst?"
Grayson: "Oh yeah."

Grayson: "Mommy, I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to salad."

(Grayson sees me give money to a homeless person)
Grayson: "Mommy, you can give away dollars and pennies. But, don't give away my quarters, those are for games."

Grayson: "Mommy, what do you think they're building right there?"
Mommy: "I have no idea."
Grayson: "I bet it's going to be a tabernacle."

Grayson: "I'm so very nauseous and crampy."
(Can you tell he had been hanging out with a pregnant lady?)

Mommy & Daddy (on the phone after Colby was born): "Guess what buddy? You have a little brother!"
Grayson: "I thought that's what it was going to be!"
Mommy & Daddy: "His name is Colby Beckham Smith."
Grayson: "No! His name is Colby Nugget Smith!"
Mommy & Daddy: "You can call him nugget if you want."
Grayson: "Can Colby AND Camdyn sleep in my room? I have three beds!"

Grayson: "What is that?"
Mommy: "It's a breast pump."
Grayson: "It looks like a horn honker."

Grayson: "We have a boy, then a girl, then a boy, and then we're going to have another girl and another boy and another girl. And then we'll never leave the house." (No, we wouldn't.)

"Helping with laundry"

When Daddy and Mommy came home from the hospital and Colby had to stay in the NICU, Camdyn walked up to me very curiously and stared at my belly as if to say, "that was a lot bigger last time I saw you." She then lifted up my shirt, stared at my belly, shrugged her shoulders, kissed my belly and walked off, as if to say, "well, I don't see a baby so it must still be in there."

And then for two weeks after Colby came home, Camdyn woke up every morning, spotted Colby, and yelled, "BABY!!!" in excitement as if she had forgotten he was there the day before.

Camdyn: "I so funny!"

Camdyn: "I pretty!"
(No self esteem issues here)

Mommy: "Camdyn, can Mommy have a hug?"
Camdyn: "No, ma'am!"
(At least she's polite!)

Mommy: "Burp!"
Camdyn: "Bless you!"

Mommy: "Camdyn, you are one smart little cookie!"
Camdyn: "I want cookie!"

(Camdyn was helping Daddy and Mommy get ready one morning; we were all three looking in the bathroom mirror."
Mommy: "Camdyn, whose that pretty girl?"
Camdyn: "Daddy?"

(Daddy is changing Camdyn's diaper)
Camdyn: "Yuuucky....Stinky....Naaasty....Shew-Wee."

And this little one doesn't have any stories yet, but isn't he cute? :)

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