Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Grayson Greatness

Grayson to Brad: "Daddy, you ate the last pop tart, and I wanted it. You made a mean choice to eat my pop tart!"

Grayson to me: "Mommy, stop arguing with me!" (It's scary when your child says something in the exact tone that you say it in.)

Grayson to me: "Mommy, you going to go tee tee in a cup today?" (In the doctor's office waiting room at the top of his lungs)

Grayson to Brad and me: "You okay, baby?" and "I love you baby!"
(He has quickly picked this one up from hearing us say it to one another and to him, and he doesn't understand that it's inappropriate to call his Mommy and Daddy 'baby.')

Me: Grayson, what would you think if we named the baby X? (No, I'm not putting the name here until we know for sure, which probably won't be until she's born.)
Grayson: "No, I like Jecca" (the special name he came up with for his baby sister, which he insists is her name). "You can name another baby that."

1 comment:

Elaine P said...

I have a 5 yr old client that just started calling me "baby" on a regular basis. It's slightly disturbing...