Thursday, February 9, 2012

2012 Catch Up

I think my blogging is getting farther and farther apart, but I try and keep track of our funny moments in my head until I finally get around to recording them.

So, here is what I can remember...

GRAYSON (PJ Day at Pre-School)

G: "Mommy, I have two Bibles, a red one and a green one."
Me: "Yes, baby, you have your toddler Bible and now you have a big kid Bible."
G: "But, which one is the Holy Bible?" :)

(As we are driving down the road)
G: "Look Mommy, it's the United Texas Flag!"

(One day he was building with leggos and turns to me to say)
G: "Mommy, look at my tall tower. I am one smart little boy!"
Me: "Yes, you are!" (No self confidence issues there)

(The same day he is sitting on the potty and I'm reading him a book when he says)
G: "Mommy, look at my tee-tee. It is SOOOOO BIG!" (What do you even say to that?)
(I told Brad that night, "What is it about men that they are born and from day one they just think, 'Man, I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread.")

(Brad is saying prayers with him one night before bed, and Brad is rubbing his back when Gray says)
G: "We do NOT touch our neighbors during prayer time!" (Something he undoubtedly has been told at church many times)

G: "Mommy, how come you have two rings?"
Me: "Well, this one is my Aggie ring and this one is my wedding ring. This one means I'm married to your Daddy."
G: "How do I get me one of those?"
Me: "Well, to get this one, you have to graduate from Texas A&M and be an Aggie. And to get this one, you have to get married someday."

Later he was talking to Brad and said:
G: "You and Mommy both have two rings, and I'm going to get those someday."
B: "To get a wedding ring, you have to someday have a wife. How about we say a prayer for your wife?" (What a sweet father/son moment!)
After they finished praying Grayson said:
G: "Daddy, I want Mommy to be my wife!" (Melt my heart!)
B: "No buddy, Mommy is my wife, so you'll have to pick a different one!"
G: "No, I want Mommy to be my wife. We can share."

(Okay, even as I'm about to write this last one, I can't even believe I'm going to share it because I'm going to completely humiliate myself in the process, but it's just too funny not to share.)
I was cleaning Grayson's room one day when he walks in and says:
G: "Mommy, what's that smell?"
Me: "I don't know buddy."
G: "Mommy, I think it's a skunk."
Me: "No, buddy, it's not a skunk. Mommy just tooted."
G: "Mommy, that really stinky."
Me: "I know buddy, I'm sorry."
G: "Mommy, I think you have a skunk in your tummy!"

CAMDYN - 5 1/2 months

And for my sweet little girl...

I just don't know how I got so lucky to have two really good babies, but I did. I have no illusions that she won't make up for her present sweetness once she hits toddler hood (like her brother did), but for now, she is about as easy as they come. Despite dealing with some pretty severe acid reflux issues which make for some pretty fussy days sometimes as the poor thing screams in pain and projectile spits up all over us (clothes don't stay clean in this house for very long), she is such a happy baby! Even when I wake her from a nap because we have to go somewhere, she just looks up at me and grins.

She rolled over (back to tummy) for the first time on Christmas Day (right at 4 months) which was a sweet little Christmas gift for us.

She adores her big brother and just wakes up grinning at him even when he pokes all over her little chubby cheeks. And we have been pleasantly surprised that he adores her as well. A few weeks after she was born, he even asked us when he was going to have "another little sister." I'm sure we'll have issues once she's old enough to take his toys, but for now we treasure the sweet harmony between them.

The poor little darling is losing all her hair, just like Grayson did about this time. So, I guess we can anticipate her being bald for about a year :( before she gets in some thick, blonde hair! So then even more people can stare at us and wonder if they really are our biological children :) Luckily, she is finally getting big enough to pull off some giant head bands and enormous flowers! And she's hanging onto those beautiful blue eyes so far!


Rachel and Matt said...

Thank you for sharing that last quote. It's random that I ended up here tonight reading this so maybe embarrassing for me to read such an old post of yours :) love you guys!

The Haley Smith said...

Ha! Glad I can bring some humor to your life with my embarrassing stories :)

Love y'all!