Thursday, December 30, 2010

Some Final Pics from 2010

"Happy Birthday Jesus Baby!"

Please forgive my horrible singing in the background!



What "adults" do after all the kids go to bed

"Messy Kisses" for Gam-Ma

Christmas 101 Dalmations McDonalds Happy Meal Toys, my sister and I collected years ago

An Aggie Uniform...this gift got the best reaction

No, he didn't get an iphone for Christmas, he's just obsessed with my sister's, and sadly can operate it much better than either of his parents

His First Wish Bone

Christmas Light Looking

Grayson & Grandpa

Christmas with the Smiths -- Me Maw, Gramps, Aunt Barbara and new baby cousin Annabel (Brad's cousin Natalie's daughter)

Grayson with Great Me Maw & Gramps

AMY'S WEDDING!!! & My favorite girls (plus Brad)...there's just something about being with old friends!

To avoid going down for a nap, Grayson says, "But, I wanna watch football with Daddy!" Way to know your audience, my friend!

Getting ready for Christmas! This is a ski slope that used to be my grandparents that my sister and I would enjoy watching for hours, and now Grayson is doing the same!

THANKSGIVING in Round Rock at Elaine and Josh's new home (Brad's parents always seem to avoid making it in our pics...I think it's a conspiracy)

Uncle Blake and Gray have the same "I just woke up from my nap" look (or the same "I'm on drugs" look)

Gray's new Drum Sticks from Uncle Josh and Aunt Elaine (Thanks alot guys!)

The Silly Smith Kids

Grayson is seriously focused on beating Uncle Josh at video games

I don't know what Elaine is doing here...but it's a funny pic

We got to meet Elliot Roberts (Josh & Courtney's new baby) while we were in Austin

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Thanks for keeping up with us in 2010!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

He Keeps Us Entertained

My sister and brother-in-law have had Gray for the past 5 days while we took part in our dear friend Amy's wedding festivities and finished last minute Christmas preparations. We of course missed him, but enjoyed our time alone! And he was too busy keeping my family entertained to miss us!

Whit and my Mom were out to dinner the other night with Gray when he asked for an onion off of one of their plates. My Mom says, "No night night kisses for Gam-Ma if you eat that onion." Grayson thought intently about that for a minute before he attacked my Mom with what he called "Messy Kisses" rubbing his bar-b-que/cheeto stained face all over her!

How's that for no night-night kisses Gam-Ma?

Whit and David were in the drive-thru at Taco Bell yesterday with Grayson and after every food item my bro-in-law ordered, Gray yells from the back seat (not in anger, just in general disagreement), "" And as the lady lists the order back over the intercom, he yells matter of factly, "Yes.... yes....yes....yes....yes...." So my sister turns and asks, "Grayson, is there something you would like?"

Grayson: "Chuck-E-Cheese!"

Since he has only been there twice ever, and not in the last six months, we have no idea what triggered the sudden desire for Chuck-E-Cheese, but he quickly agreed to settle for mac-n-cheese instead.

We finally got our son back last night. As we walked in the door, he ran to Brad, and my sister says, "Grayson, look who else is here (pointing to me)!"

Grayson: "TAG!!!" (Our dog)

I see where I rank in this family! Whatever!

Last night, Brad and I are reading our Christmas family Bible verse with Grayson and he is adding one more star to his "Nativity Count-Down Craft." Brad says, "Look buddy, you only have a couple more stars to put on before Christmas." I said, "Grayson, whose birthday is on Christmas?"

Grayson: "Jesus Cake!"

We are wondering if he thinks Cake is Jesus' last name???

Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours

So much to be grateful for this Christmas season.
Brad, Haley & Grayson

While getting Christmas cards is one of my favorite things, it's a lot of work and it's not cheap to send them :) So, this year, we went easy on ourselves. We ordered 20 and mailed them out as we received them. So, in case you're not one of those people who sent us a Christmas card, and therefore, did not receive one from us, or in case you're thinking, where is my usual Christmas card from The Smith's?, we still want to wish you a Merry Christmas. So from Our Home to Yours.....God Bless You This Christmas Season!!!