The two steps came somewhat in preparation for baby #2, but primarily because he was nearing three and ready.
His big boy bed used to be the bunk beds (without the top bunk) that his Daddy and Uncle Blake used when they were little, and he loves them. Grayson and Brad like to hide in the trundle bed underneath, pretending to be worms.
The funny thing is, even though he’s no longer in a crib, he still doesn’t climb out of his bed. He stays there and yells for us to come get him in the mornings and after nap.
The second milestone has not been quite as easy of a transition, but not nearly as bad as I anticipated it being in my mind.
I’m hesitant to use the term “potty trained” just because until he’s big enough to go in the bathroom, turn on the light, get on the potty, use it, flush, wash his hands and leave all by himself, I don’t know if he’s fully there. But, with the exception of an occasional accident and random-three day periods where he forgets all he has learned, he’s doing pretty good.
I didn’t use any “method” per se, just a mix of advice from other moms and things I read online, and we figured out what worked best for Grayson. But here is the bulk of what we did!
We threw out our diapers altogether and went straight to either bare bottom of underwear (at home of course).
We stayed home for about 3/4 days straight (minus the park) so he could get the hang of it.
We used pull ups only for nap, night time and outings (until we were sure he had it down).
We got REALLY excited every time he went and gave him something special as a reward…a piece of candy or a small prize.
We used the toilet seat adapter instead of the little potty that sits on the floor (mainly because Mommy thinks those are disgusting).
We taught him to sing the ABCs while he washes his hands to make sure he washes for long enough and to make it fun.
We use flushable wipes because for some reason we found it too hard to get him completely clean with just toilet paper (TMI?).
We are currently sticking with pull-ups for night time and nap for now until we are sure he is ready to make it the whole night through (which our pediatrician agrees is a development issue, not a training issue).
The first four or so days were definitely the toughest, but with a tiny bit of noticeable progress each day, we pushed through, and the brunt of it was over within the week. Who knew I’d ever get so excited about bodily functions (Gross, I know!) or take so much pride in my child for learning something I once considered so basic? But, even AS he was peeing on my couch (thank the Lord for leather furniture and hard wood floors) on day two, yelling “Mommy, I have to go potty!” there was pride that at least he was getting it on some level, and I was encouraged to press on.
Since the start he has gone from holding it so long that he only goes twice a day to telling me every fifteen minutes that he has to go, because he’s ready to receive another prize.
Potty training is by far one of the most exhausting things I’ve ever done in my life, and all those people who say, “Oh, you’ll be so glad when you don’t have to mess with diapers any more”….Seriously, do they know how much more work potty training is in comparison to diapers? I definitely don’t regret waiting, and I’m glad I didn’t try and push it before he/I was ready, but I will definitely be thankful for all the progress when baby two arrives.
My two favorite potty training stories so far...
When my sister and David were here before his birthday and Grayson had a little accident, my sister said, “Uh, Brad, I think your son has little M&M’s coming out of his pants.” I then walked over and asked, “Grayson, did you have an accident?” and he replied, “It’s just M&M’s Mommy!” (Thanks for that Aunt Whitney!)
And then there was one day on the potty when he wrinkled up his “little boy part” and said, “Look, Mommy, it’s a flower!” (Oh my! What do you do with that?)
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